Come on AK47
There we go...Finally hitting the ball hard, again and again.
Don't like that they get the final AB as the #14 seed.
We need to put some distance between us and Bama.
Wasted opportunity
I was going to say watch out for the lazy fly ball to LF for Goelz, but that was too easy.
1st/2nd, 1 out. Goelz comment.
That was nice Mia..
Falby just not making solid contact.
what are you doing Keagan?
Really need a K
I think Skylar beat that out
Bama leads 1-0, unearned run on a Falby screwup
What are you guys doing in the outfield?
Reminds me of Kelsey Stewart's senior year.. Too much slap hitting when she was always better just standing in and fully swinging.
Falby, Williams, Goelz at the bottom of the lineup is meh.
Falby...why these half swing isn't working
I hate this in both NCAA tournaments. The higher seed should always be the home team. I understand the Final Series having the higher seed be...
1st time this season Wallace leading off. Big roll of the dice.