I'm glad we stopped the bleeding yesterday. Let's close this week out strong Gators with more run support! lol Go Gators!
Win Saturday and we should be a 1. Say it with me "THE SEC TOURNEY DOESN'T MATTER". :D
I still can't figure out how my points are less with the same exact result of 14-4 if they win Saturday. LOL It's a joke. I know I missed 6 times. :p
Another little brother will be bringin' it tonight in FAU. We need to realize everyone of these Florida teams are going to give it their best shot...
Saban? What are you doing posting on Bazza's account? :p
Love the Princess Bride angle. Great job! LOL
UF 84 BUMMER 83 MVG Clayton SoG 10 min (remaining) / 1st half
With all due respect, 74, one game doesn't qualify as off track just yet. I think getting a series win against a talented Miami team is good. Sure...
Missed it by three! Congrats guys!
Pitcher has a huge what?
Close warning track outs. This game was a few more feet from being a blow out! Also, I am thankful those hit batsmen didn’t cause serious injury....
Liam seems to have upped his game. Can't wait to see what he does against better competition. Go Gators!
Honestly, I would rather have a bit lower seed and be closer to our fan base. I think our players get up for that. JMHO.
He was also very clearly grabbed. Richard isn't the problem here. He had an outstanding game. The only Gator that seemed to care in the first half...
UF 81 TA&M 65 MVG Haugh SoG 5
I would rather take a bad game here, then in the Tournament. It happens. Unfortunately, it’s against Ugly :(
Nothing. The tournament changes nothing. Same as last year.
UF 81 UGly 69 MVG Clayton SoG Over
Got another one. Missed a perfect by a bunny! :ninja3::D