Calling any politician authentic is a ridiculous statement on its face.
Another gem: [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] Have now seen a few clips of this interview and I now know why she doesn’t take questions regularly.
You obviously didn’t go to law school. I did and plenty were morons.
Anyone that thinks Harris is even remotely bright is operating at a mental deficiency.
Why would anyone do a debate at this point? The debates aren’t changing anyone’s minds and zero policies are outlined by either candidate. I heard...
You are making judgments based on one piece of info; cost. Cost is dependent on who the attendees were. Is 175k cost is ok if the event raised...
Kinda like giving someone 50k towards a down payment on a home will just raise real estate prices.
No clue but spending $900 a person to me isn’t out of line on its face. Depends on who the attendees were. Lot of info is unknown here outside of...
$900 per person is not extravagant given those were likely large donors. That’s a drop in the bucket and likely money well spent depending on who...