And now you're lying about what you actually said, and demonstrating your deficiency with understanding the most basic elements of the English...
Waiting for you to show that the amount the US "spent overseas" may in fact be in the trillions. Or even approach that. Show us how what you...
You tried to deceive anyone unfortunate enough to read your lying post. You clearly stated that the amount of money "being spent overseas" was...
I'm sure then you can substantiate your lie that "if not trillions" are being spent overseas. Go ahead buddy, we're waiting. Show us how...
It's not surprising that people like you either know nothing about the issues you comment on. Or, alternately, you simply choose to deliberately...
So members of the Biden Administration took efforts to portray him in a favorable light? Who cares. People like you, and the entire...
I know. We're in a "silver lining" moment ; where at least the silver lining to the cloud is laughing at cultists who cheer, lie and shill for...
Same. Personally, I've been saving up while I wait for Bannon Coin. That's the one I think will be the most valuable, because ... ... umm ......
It's hard to accurately describe how vile MAGA is. But you do worship a traitor who is also a rapist.
It's almost like we're a country led by a man who rapes women. A rapist. Wait - it's exactly like that. Because we are.
Yeah, it's astounding that any elected official in the United States could utter such total laughable bullshit. For example, when the Republican...
I agree with you, which is rare. Whatever anyone says won't change a thing; MAGA will still be a cult to a felon, traitor, racist rapist .........
Little Marco already kissed Trump's ass on this and then repeated his lies. Certainly you didn't expect anything even slightly different?
Are some of you actually responding to the Russian troll? He is probably literally typing from a Russian troll farm.
Here's a tip buddy - it's with the $50 million of condoms in Gaza.
America elected a Putin lackey and shill. This is not a surprise - we knew that. We knew he stole classified documents and refused to return...
Little Marco. Lying for the Trump.
Good work here, Rep. Don Whoever. You've mouthed your feeble utterance, will do nothing, and will be voting entirely how Trump dictates ...... as...
You're 100% correct, and so is Zelensky. The problem, of course, is that there's quite obviously no level of vileness or criminality to which the...
This. I've always wondered; imagine how JD Fluffer's wife must feel. She's a super well-educated woman, of Indian descent. She has to watch...