Depends on if you think he was lying when he said that he didn't. To be totally honest, I would have no way of being absolutely certain. Opinion...
Honest question : does it ever become tiresome toting water for such a flagrant liar? (and convicted felon)
He doesn't use teleprompters. Unless he was just totally lying when he said he didn't? Hmmm. Fact check: During speech in which he used...
Indeed. [ATTACH]
It's pretty obviously money laundering or influence peddling. Or both. That's been clear from the start. But Trump not only controls the DOJ,...
Too bad there wasn't a way to pay him his grift without him screwing over the rest of the country. And world.
They don't have those things yet. But it would be really cool if Trump did those things for us.
It's fun to see you Trump supporters pretend to care about fiscal conservatism ..... when it's a convenient excuse to do Putin's bidding. We all...
It's kind of fun to see you discuss these issues, and Trump's role in them, as if he's a normal President. Or human being even. Specifically;...
That is a totally magnificent idea!!!! Alternately, they could just set up lines of credit with major banks who are interbank currency dealers,...
Let me guess - Putin is the guy for this?
LOL. They don't even pretend anymore. Russia celebrates US foreign policy that now ‘coincides’ with Moscow’s worldview “The new [U.S.]...
Pretty sure we'll see that it's just going to be to "justify" tax cuts.
You post outright lies into the debate, and lies from a proven Russian shill at that. This can only be to promote the viewpoints of the liars you...
On the surface, a tariff on the Canadian production would make the US production comparatively cheaper for products sold in the US. This would...
LOL, what a weird comment. I'm instead just displeased at people who believe lies and then repeat them. One would think informed (??) adults...
You probably did think that. Because you do not have an accurate command of the actual facts.
What do you refer to? This should be interesting. Certainly you aren't still incorrectly talking about Traitor Trump's campaign colluding with...
I was focusing on his abuses of the office he held, rather than personal vile characteristics or criminality, since this thread pertains to...
I hate that bad ole "fake jab"! It's terrible and bad and ..... fake! Say, who even created that bad, bad thing? [ATTACH]