Governor Askew says hello, it has been a long time since the D party ran the Fl govt.
speaking of unhinged ranters: when does trump hire michael savage?
A perfect time to also dismantle fed law enforcement. Seasoned agents don't grow on trees. I'm sure a bunch of pimple faced geeks in maga hats...
Old faithful by tesla, the spewing never stops
As long as the burning parks are in states maga doesn't give a shit about, all good right?
Which means curtailing or shutting down the parks will also affect nearby communities, motels, gas stations, restaurants that depend on the...
Yep, you either unquestioningly support the emperor or you are a radical leftist communist who hates America. BS, of course, but here we are.
They'll be back with the talking points after they gather them from their favorite maga outlets.
ear bandages and the right arm up gesture as they chant " four more years" or " trump, trump trump trump"
dear leader will pardon whomever did it
The ass kissing is just getting started. Wait until they meet in person.
This is what the gop wants. Reagan and every other potus who has passed are rolling in their graves and the living ones are shaking their heads....
Such a victim!!!
Me to the bar tender: order that guy at the end of the bar another drink, it won't affect his input at all.....
Also, it takes years to get an intelligence officer up to speed. Run those folks off and replace them with a bunch of wet behind the ears lackeys...
The parks were already understaffed as it was. e.g. YNP has an annual budget of around 30mil. That much was spent so the emperor could attend...
Yep, again a great time to dismantle or kneecap our intelligence community.
All part of the plan. They'll be sold off eventually.
Cut programs you do not like and call it cutting waste, fraud, abuse.
Is that same conference that had to evacuate after a bomb threat? The conference that the proud boys called out as treasonous?