So completely full of shit.
Yes, we have an emperor.
It either results in a ground swell that renders the gop irrelevant or what the people think of this won't matter> citizens or subjects?
Credibility and dependability shot. Why would anyone trust us? God forbid we should ever need any help ( history is a long story), potential...
Zero checks and balances, just what the gop wants.
The gop wants to kill it.
oh geez, another plandemic to make orange guy look bad?
Not about principle, it's about power.
comes on a perforated roll
I think they are too drunk on power and in too much of a frenzy to enact p25 to give a damn about polls.
So far they want to: 1. Put Trump on Mt. Rushmore 2. make a $250 bill with his image on it 3. next will be some kind of statue or monument to him...
Laws, shmaws... legislation introduced by the gop to change that in 3, 2, 1
Message is clear: knuckle under to the whims of the emperor or you are sol.
Will have to see if ridership drops if shit keeps happening. Chicago could have been ugly!
It's not about principle it's about power. Hence the contradictions.
Drunk with power as they put a theocracy in place.
$5 mil to get in, then there would be the annual renewal fee and certificate with Trump's mugshot and signature on it, suitable for framing.
Maybe he means taking guns away from those who don't support him.
Maybe they can do a literal pissing contest in the rose garden.
Kinda like the orange guy?