good grief
One of the best ideas the US has ever had was the national parks. The gop wants to destroy them.
Who is this Maddow you speak of?
Modern day brownshirts
The gop wants this.
Giant maga rally, bogey man du jour ( Comey, Pelosi, Schiff etc etc) is brought out in irons, a charge is announced, the crowd chants " GUILTY!"....
Let them eat cake
You can bark about freedom and liberty as you cheer the rights of others being taken away.
Wow, sellout!
Think of the ratings!
So much for the assertion this wouldn't happen. Here we are. Nato is next. Thanks gop.
so just window dressing card board cut out... good work if you can get it
He would be branded a RINO in today's gop. Hard time imagining him kissing Trump's ass the way contemporary " republicans" do.
Illegal if the emperor does not like it.
Waiting for a screenshot of tariff payments from Xi, Trudeau, et al :rolleyes:
Some republicans will bark if he fails to keep our treaty commitments, but do you seriously think they would ever do more than that? Don't make...
We have an emperor. Thanks gop.
Technically he can't, but that doesn't matter any more thanks to the gop. That said, all he has to do if a nato member is attacked is NOTHING....
Their position on any topic is whatever their orange god tells them it is.