He's just calling you a RINO since you refuse to kiss the orange god's ass.
You mean grifting it to line his own pockets.
Thanks gop.
There is that too. Maga world would love it if Trump sent in the troops to crack down on places like San Francisco or Chicago. Great ratings!!!!
Follow the money. All about the oligarchs. Everyone else is along for the ride and is considered expendable.
A china shop is missing a bull
and stop bitching about the price of eggs! ;)
This is what the gop wants.
thoughts and prayers
Still waiting on $ from Soros going all the way back to Trump's first term. Time for him to pay up. :rolleyes:
Thanks gop. When will you start teaching us Russian?
" let them eat cake"
Yep, more of that false dichotomy crap: in their world you are either a rabid Trump supporter or a communist radical who hates America. It is lost...
The enablers are just as bad as the Trumpists who shout from the rooftops.
Healthiest man in human history, just ask him.
Yes all journalists Trump does not like should be fired. Then perhaps put on trial, locked up, or executed, right? Btw, not a fan of Maddow.
All a hoax. Don't believe your lying eyes at the evidence all around you.
Just words
So the only war vets worth honoring are white males? Pathetic.