Laying the groundwork to have unquestioned authority over the military. What could possibly go wrong?
The gop doesn't want that
It's what the gop wants
beat miami!
No surprise but the chairman of the joint chiefs just got canned. To be replaced no doubt with someone who will follow Trump's orders no matter...
Less to do with whether he likes Musk or not, more to do with what the salute represents ( a dog whistle and a rallying cry) . We fought a war...
Agreed, I have lost count of how many times I have seen posts on this board implying the Epstein list is just Dems or dem donors. Absurd.
Awll HAIL no....
MSN At CPAC he finished his speech with the same hand gesture that Musk used. Perhaps this will catch on with the maga crowd the way the ear...
I suspect the actual list has people from both sides of the aisle, some very rich, influential, and powerful people. I hope the list that is...
The entire Epstein list needs to be released. No redactions, no deletions, just ALL the names. I don't care who they are, expose them R or D.
Need a bridge?
Taking us down without firing a shot.
Perhaps they would rather see the UN being hosted in Moscow or Bejing.
Maybe a shellacking at the polls will snap them out of it.
There you go again. The news outlet does not matter if the person or people in question said or did what they did.
I don't think the cult dies with him. There will a scramble to assume the mantle and the mob that loves him isn't going anywhere.
modern day brownshirts. it. quacks. like. a. duck.
Maybe it's part of the plan. Cheap investments for the super rich while the rest of us are told to row harder.