German dam at Pearl Harbor, right?
fos as usual. Plenty of gun owners, hunters, collectors, and target shooters there.
This is what the gop wants.
twilight zone episode: lockdowns, no traffic, working from home for some. Grocery stores had an apocalyptic vibe, no TP to buy ( that was one of...
or maybe some rocks
" let them eat cake"
Don't forget his brother Bocephus
They are conducting themselves as if future elections won't matter.
Don't hold your breath on the gop ever reigning him in. That ship sailed a long time ago. He is accountable to no one, just the way the gop wants it.
He must hate America if he dares to question Trump.
Articles of impeachment on that judge by the house gop in 3,2,1....
So when does Trump militarize the border with Canada? Perhaps an incursion by an army of lifted trucks with maga flags onto Canadian territory? Or...
RINO!!! ;)
So when does the DOJ start charging millions of Americans for illegally refraining from buying Teslas? :rolleyes:
The tariffs and trade wars will escalate even more April 1. The markets will just love that. So much winning.
Party of small government
So to summarize: market takes a hit while a D is in office=hair on fire. Market takes a hit while Trump is in office= all good, nothing to worry...
The gop wants this.
He said he is a republican and you told him he is not. We get it, in today's gop there is no place for those who refuse to kiss the ass of your...
What branch of the military did Musk serve in? Disagree with Kelly on policy all you want, but Kelly is no traitor. Perhaps Musk et al should...