they’ve done exactly what they’ve wrongfully accused the Dems for years with Soros..
Not a religious person, but it does seem the message of Jesus has been lost on MAGA. Letter of the Holy Father to the Bishops of the United...
Guilty of a felony and no jail time?
Trump 2.0 is much more dangerous because he realized he needed sycophancy to prevail.
Eric will now be Trump’s bitch..
Trump has always been an “ends justifies the means” type of person..
but but the Constitution.. until it doesn’t work for them anymore..
if you had the option of saving one living baby in a fire or 365,000 fetuses, what would you choose?
Tesla’s are stale cars. I wouldn’t have much of an issue with him if he was just center right in his ideology, but he’s gone full lunatic fringe...
Also liked him as a coach. I believe JWill was fond of him in Memphis.
We’ve played a couple games with tired legs this year, and could use a few extra minutes from him..
And why would we do this for Israel? What’s our interest here? The stated reason for 9/11 was America’s support of Israel in its aggression...
All you need to know about the Right’s lack of objection is what would happen if this were Kamala and Bill Gates..
Thought Alexis has played a bit more confident the last 2 games
Good that this team was able to win without their star guard Urban should pick up some minutes in relief going forward.
Haugh is non existent offensively Has had several open 3’s, and doesn’t even attempt
Bad bad defense, not paying attention to cuts
Finally a FG for Martin
Haugh hesitant again and effects the shot
Haugh has to shoot open 3’s Defense just can’t stop them