Let me know when you are done lashing out and want to try to make sense again.
Are you done lashing out or do you have more feelings to try to overcome?
At no point has anybody asked for people to live in a bubble. In fact, the whole point of recognizing these issues and trying to to counter their...
As I said, emotionally lashing out. Your goal is to compartmentalize. Sometimes, you want racism to be so endemic, why fight it. Sometimes, you...
You are asking me how I know a probability? Statistical analysis across many fields. I linked you one from a football coaching context, which is...
Nobody has twisted your words. In fact, people have directly quoted you. You just don't like the implications of your words causing you to...
The funny part is that you are trying to simplify things into "doing well" vs., I presume, "not doing well." But you don't actually have the lack...
No clue what you are trying to link or reference (it isn't working), so tough to respond. But, as others have pointed out "Nigerian" is a national...
That is just a reframing of racism to make it sound better (its natural). And the degree matters. Interesting that we went from race to...
It sucks when you get caught red handed, I get it. Here is the funny part: I actually appreciate the admission. It is important. The problem is...
Of course it doesn't. The problem is that we both know that it is sometimes because of racism (and that "failure" is generally caused by many...
The funny part is that you view ignoring the effects of racism as anti-racism. Except, I doubt you really feel that way deep down. You just don't...
Nope, here you are admitting to discriminating by race.
So much resentment. BTW, the reason that you think of this at the level of whole races is because the emotional part of your brain is far more...
Didn't you once argue that everybody, including yourself, was racist as a way of excusing it?
What exactly is the goal here? We are at full employment and full participation rates for core working age adults. So here are the potential...
Your understanding is not driven by the cognitive part of your brain. You are back to trying to argue so that you feel better about your view that...
No, your line of thinking is good for racism. You would prefer it to exist, but nobody to talk about it in anything but the most general fashion.
Hmm, so what was his plan there?
I enjoy a good challenge, so let's see if you can think through this critically. Why would that make it more feasible? I think what you mean is...