Two Years In, Mexico National Guard’s Role On The Border Remains Controversial Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala to deploy troops to slow migration
Or in 2023. Or in 2021. Or in 2019. Heck, they used the same number in 2021.
You mean like they did last year?
Because Mexico showed that Trump blinked. As such, the Dow has no reason to collapse due to his stupid policies.
Provides essentially duty free markets for our products, engages in all sorts of joint security and law enforcement programs, and works closely on...
So the market crashes, Mexico promises to do the thing that it does every year or so anyways, and Trump takes it (knowing that his fans will claim...
One wonders when President Musk steps in and puts an end to all of this (TSLA currently down over 4%).
Good thing that American companies can't change prices, because a decrease in competition would likely cause an increase in price...
Wait, you mean the steel manufacturers want less competition? Meanwhile, their customers weren't so thrilled. The price of steel rose...
Let's see if he can see it. Hint: [Img]
Racial discrimination is the foundation of every individual-based (and arguably, social hierarchy-based) definition of the term racism. For...
There are several accepted definitions of racism. Some focus on the individual (i.e., the belief that a person is superior or inferior based upon...
No I think we are working through your feelings of resentment, impotency, and, in turn, anger. Then, perhaps we can discuss the topic again.
Generally agree, although I think that is also an all else equal argument. I do think the Chinese cooperation on precursor may have helped some...
True. But China is already saying that one response will be to pull out of the cooperation agreement on fentanyl precursors. Less important than...
I am not at all being emotional with you. You are throwing a massive hissy fit because you got caught red handed trying to argue both that racism...
Sorry that is basic economics. Tariffs cause currency appreciation. Illegal businesses don't pay tariffs. Imported illegal products become...
Have you considered looking within yourself as to why this topic causes so many emotions in you?
Another interesting effect: they will make it cheaper for Americans to purchase fentanyl. They likely cause an appreciation of the dollar. Now,...
Still not done, okay. You seem to have a lot of emotions to get out. Maybe try punching a pillow. Let me know when you are done and I am happy to...