Absolute master class from CDM. Enjoy the next decade ladies and gents.
Great feel for the zone block scheme. MVP of the O this season.
That's their entire offense. All year. And we're vulnerable to it, apparently.
You guys are hilarious. I'm sure the sight of FF winging it around under his gaol posts would put everyone at ease. LOL.
Yep. Convert one of those FGs into a touchdown and everyone is doing backflips. CDM continues to make something out of a less than optimal...
Managing the first half like we did at Starkvegas. Only with better results. CDM keeping QB/O mistakes to a minimum. Win it in the last 30.
It's a big boy game. Other option would be to not pursue any candidate you aren't 100% sure to get. That would narrow the options quite a bit.
The clarity of hindsight. No one walks from a target that is in demand simply because they might be negotiating with others. You make your best...
I honestly feel there was an element of "F it, I've got no one else to deal with at the moment, so let's explore the fanboy favorite and see where...
Continue to sell the product or bail out and go home? I'd rather get the signature and stay in the game. Too many here are all emotion and no...
Why? How much better would it have played if word got out that Kelly wanted to deal an SS walked away from the table?
Yep. Poor Tyler, died in vain.
Shots in the dark. But thanks for posting.
Probably not. CD just using common sense to analyze the situation.
Nebraska brass has to understand the recruiting headwinds they have been facing under Pelini and Riley. Even worse fit for what Frost wants to do...
That's a better fit for Nebraska. I just don't see Frost being able to get remotely enough speed to effectively run his system in Nebraska.
Everyone is an employee of UAA. SS can fire anyone he likes on the staff. Just not something AD's usually need to do.
Or, it could be he tells him what the press is stating CK said, namely that Chip was impressed with UF admin. The "UAA dropped the...