Looks like we easily replaced that Stanley kid.
Our Navy is the world's second largest Air Force, right behind our own Air Force.
I was just happy to get those blue cammies regardless of how goofy they looked just to get out of those utility(janitor) uniforms. Those things...
I served during the GWOT 08-13, my pops was a marine for 10 years and my grandfather had a career in the Air Force that spanned from WW2 Through...
They definitely battled in a way not seen since 2019.
His daughter(?) has a gigachad jawline. It causes massive shrinkage.
He can't compete in the SEC.
It was a misdirection play and the second time it had been ran. I believe Montrell got around 10 on that play the first time.
cron78 said: ↑ Watching on TV it seemed louder than it should have been when we had the ball. Were the LSU fans that loud? Maybe the TV mics were...
You'll have to excuse him. That fourth game had been off the radar until this weekend.
Why is she(?) so ugly? That face makes my Montrell soften.
Tha That's the issue with negative minded folks. They simply don't see it as negativity.
I agree with you. It wasn't a serious overthrow, however, a better ball gets the completion. If that's how close he was to putting on the money...
Gates can cover well.
The guy who is looking down the barrel of his worst rushing season as a collegiate player.
I'm not drinking and I can only remember one slightly high ball that was broken up only because of the height and it was to Boardingham. I believe...
What an amazing turnaround during their revenge tour.
That hat needs to be dirty.
The guy throws absolute dots under pressure with a slight flick of the wrist. The ball jumps off of his hands. That is something you can't coach.