I’m sure DJ was a big reason for pulling Wilson. But I just think it’s odd that anyone would minimize a coach’s impact just because they have a...
So because we have a strong QB and NIL pipeline, you’re not happy that BG came back?
His quote was “continue to fail” …not sure what his bar is but talent wise our WR room is easily top 10 in the country.
Lame assessment. We picked up 2 of the top 6 WRs this class. Recruiting is not an issue.
Awesome. Appreciate you sharing @tommyvee
But one has been whining and acting like a wiseass since the bracket was set. Same old Lane.
Got it. I just wish he would stop with the pontificating if he has no details behind. He’s derailed positive momentum more than just a few times.
That was kind of my point
If Zack isn’t going to share anything he should just keep quiet. He gets everyone worked up with excitement on something that might happen....
Lane got out smartassed by Klatt …GOLD
I lived there for a year and none of my family back home could ever say it right.
I don’t know why anyone could be surprised by this. Most of us saw this coming. A lot of the complaints aren’t necessarily the committee but the...
It really isn’t. It’s one guy. I didn’t like the heavy overreaction posts that flooded this board earlier in the season. But I understood their...
Yeah, that was my whole point. I think you probably expressed it better than I did.
I haven’t looked up a stat line to support it but it certainly feels like our red zone offense was better this year (sans Tulane). That was always...
We probably should because this will carry over into next year, if that happens. I don’t think we gain anything by the committee tipping the...
So was Davis. I remember him being the lowest ranked of the 5 LBrs we landed in that class. By the end of fall camp he was ahead of all of them.
ATM + douche chaos + $
Where is Montrell? Never heard of him opting on