In honor of LSU week made a pot of jambalaya, with chicken thighs and andouille, on Thur. Finished what was left last tonight. Tonight, making a...
Good talk.
It’s almost like the OP goes right over your head. Just about every one of your posts is …I’m right and you are wrong… end of story. I didn’t...
Go watch the clip. It was still a big endorsement.
Actually, Saban stated today that he was impressed with the fight from the locker room and it speaks well of our culture.
Not one thing? I guess you’re just a bad person.
Because they don’t mean anything?
It’s like getting punched in the nuts over and over and over again. Has there ever been an athletic program that has taken on this many blows over...
I don’t think you can really put the same value on recruiting rankings anymore. Montrell isn’t factored into the rankings. Neither is Badger, Pup,...
After work 5:30, 20-25 minutes.
That’s what I’m asking.
And replace him with who? If it’s not THE guy we really want I don’t see the upside in making a change …unless, he loses the locker room.
Tommy, are we really bitching now because our QB3 is not winning games for us? It was loss against one of the top 2 or 3 teams in the country. It...
Are we talking about THIS game or his body of work over 29 games? Because I thought the thread was based on this game.
That wasn’t the question I was answering. Napiers tenure is certainly questionable and up for grabs, but this game doesn’t fall into the column of...
Come on, Bobby. Really? How did he lose this game?