I don't see anyway we can win this down 7 on the road in Tuscaloosa. The players look tired.
Should have done that on our last possession of the half.
Clayton killed us with that bad shot
That was 50% in lol
I was about to say. lol
Wouldn't be Florida basketball without working out our hearts. lol
Good job on the block
Have to know the refs won't let you get away with that.
Wow at that shot. lol
He scared me when he said but. lol
That's clearly a block
Great play
We don't care about Big Al... get back on the court with the camera. lol
They called a foul in that?
You just made the 3, why would you not take the open shot again?
Definitely offensive interference
If only our post players would go up strong with the ball.
Why would Pullin not shoot that?
My goodness where was that pass going?
Now Clayton, either take the charge or get out the way