[IMG] I guarantee you he hates us. He lost back to back BCS championship games and now look who he has to beat to win one.
I have not wept at the passing of any President of the United States before now. I wasn't old enough to remember the assassination of John F....
If I see my doctor, there'll be five more days of flu symptoms. If I don't see my doctor, I'll feel better early next week. There's something...
[IMG] Liberal thinking: the above figure is never to be referred to as a square unless someone dumber than me (i.e., anyone else except Noam...
[IMG] The best and only hope for putting an end to this is for us to liberate Canada. C'mon, animal lovers, to arms!
It also remains to be seen if those who made decisions in his stead whenever he was incapacitated will ever admit to it. Probably some...
Yeah, but maybe now it will become possible to do so without fear of losing your job or worse. The left is losing its monopoly on "fact checking"...
How feasible do you think mining He-3 from the Moon really is? On the surface, it seems worth every penny you'd have to spend to make it so.
84-40 or Fight!
Schmitt is the world's leading advocate of mining Helium-3 from the Moon as an energy source.
Oh, the horror. People making up their own minds about what bullshit to believe instead of having liberal bullshit spoonfed to them. The sky is...
If I can draw the lines, you've got a deal.
The border with Guatemala will be much shorter and easier to defend. It'll be a great opportunity to show there's no limit to what we can't do.
Back in the 60's before he went to the Moon but when he was already an astronaut, Buzz participated in civil rights marches, the only Apollo era...
Correct. The left is in love with how smart they know they are, yet they are the ones who cling to this fundamental fallacy of bad civics education.
Weird how the left claims a monopoly on fact checking.
Train him to show the occasional Mormon your good stash of alcohol. Problem solved.
There's being true to your Marxist, woke agenda and then there's being a total lame duck dick, using the nation's highest civilian honor to give...
The police were letting them in. The whole thing was allowed to happen.
Four years? Have you been hiding under a rock or something? [IMG]