Oh look, it's Mr. OffTopic! ROTFL - keep up, I have a new thread for you! Prepare to be Triggered! Trump’s Threat to U.S. Intelligence...
I must have gotten to him and I think he is just a little frustrated right now! What can I say - if the shoe fits....
Someone must be triggered! How can you be off-topic on your own thread?!?! It is a shame the sauce is SOOOOOO weak....
Does that include the Pilgrims and all the European immigrants who followed, because they invaded the country if you don't remember? Oh... you...
So Mexico is supposedly invading the US. Do you consider them an enemy or not?
Putin only saves the best for last! DoD is now on the clock and it won't be long for the ODNI, CIA and other US IC agencies.
Oh, Donald Trump didn't say he wanted to annex Canada and abandon our NATO allies?
And our Number 1 - Moscow Approved Gulag Architects
Number 2 - Making Absurdities Goading Atrocities
Number 3 - Malignant Assh*les Governing America
Number 4 - Mangling America's Global Alliances
Number 5 - Mindless Authoritarian Gimp Automata
Number 6 - Maximizing America's Global Annexations
Number 7 - Manufacturing Alternative Germ Antidotes
Number 8 - Metals Appropriating Grifting Assh*les
Number 9 - Manipulating America's Gullible Audience
Here we go! Number 10 - Mismanaging A Government Agenda
Mismanaging A Government Agenda
Trump doesn't get America, he only gets kickbacks.
The intelligence sharing agreements we have with our allies (5 Eyes & 9 Eyes), who provide a significant amount of intelligence. Since Europe and...