Likewise if the roles were reversed and that was a white cop beating the shit out of a black fan the usual suspects would be trotting out their...
Predictions for the 2024 Presidential Elections - Live Forecast — Race to the WH 1% edge to Harris. Same as dactile. Crazy close.
Hell Yes!
I hear ya. I just want to get back to a non-Trump world.
totally agree. Even if it’s not reciprocated we have to try.
I think she should absolutely pardon him but only with some sort of ironclad guarantee that he can never run for ANY federal office ever again.
I will accept the results if Trump wins but I will have my own four year obligation. No more media/internet of any kind until he's gone. So I...
Yep that's my takeaway too. Doesn't get any whiter than Iowa. If its even close there it could bode very well for Harris
wHy diDnT’ tHeY juST cOmPLy!?!
that’s not saying much.
So good!
I read that whole thing. He’s lost his mind. What in the actual hell?
Yeah it’s clearly suspect. Having said that, I’d sure prefer her to be favored on Tuesday.
this is where having a cash advantage is huge.
she better spend every dollar she has.
Fair enough. Maybe refrain from offering further commentary from your position of willful ignorance. Or don’t. No skin off my dick.
And maybe they were just friends and Trump never sexually abused any minors @ Epstein’s properties. But holy cow does it look bad.
Did you listen to the recording of Epstein giving a detailed breakdown of how Trump played his cabinet members against each other? How could he...