Mikey would have run to hide behind his state trooper and started yelling "HOLD ME BACK!"
Losing on the recruiting trail, losing by 20 at home when we played like butt, but he tossed a flag on the ground after everyone walked away, what...
Some coaches too.
Bet it's something like "that flag planting will help us more then you will ever know" :D
Guys usually call games on the CW, bottom of the bottom, when you're a trash 2 win team that's what you get for home games.
Norvell will end up the same place as that coach.
Fsu vandalizes other teams fields and then their 10 loss coach throws a tantrum when a flag is planted. They are pathetic losers.
Cry some more Norvel.
Didn't fsu used to vandalize other teams fields when they won? now they are crying about a flag planting? Pathetic.
Take a shot, at least kick a FG...these guys deserve no quarter.
Score Again...Do it Billy.
They didn't have to do that, they got their panties in a bunch about losing.
1997 Game highlights and they fail to show Green is behind the D, the winning TD or the Int that sealed it.
Go for 2...RUN IT UP
Hurry up guys, I wanna see Montana/Tennessee St
I've got it, these guys usually call the CW game.
None that were taken, they are 0-0 right now on the box score.
They were looking for one, we won't be.
Analyst guy sounds drunk.