Mostly, but Obama made it acceptable to hate America.
It's so refreshing to have a competent President who wants America to be strong and secure. I know the libs cry a lot but they have to be in awe...
I bet Goodell was booing.
I apologize for pointing out your hypocrisy.
He’s my favorite democrat.
So it's different when the democrats do it. Got it.
You know, Biden was a pedo, a racist and a rapist. Was he qualified for President?
Does calling republicans 'deplorables' or 'garbage' qualify as demonizing Americans?
LOL! That's exactly what the trumpers will tell you about their nominees.
I'm surprised they didn't give them tickets to the game.
DeSantis doesn't do everything the way I want but I'd take him as permanent Governor. I think he'd be a good President too. He's more...
Not unlike a lot of celebrities....politicians included.
Did a lot of the democrat senators oppose Biden or Obama nominees?
I hope you're not this consumed with hate in real life.
Trump's like a great player who keeps getting taunting penalties. I mean, come on buddy! Straighten up!
It's the thing I like least about him. It's mind boggling he won't or can't knock that crap off.
Like they handle voting?
I think firearms should be a privilege rather than a right. It's HIGHLY unlikely that we'll ever need to fight off the Army but there is gun...
Did I really defend him or did I simply point out that America found him more acceptable that what the democrats had to offer?