This discussion was earlier in the thread. There had been thefts in the area from construction sites. Arbery was chased from inside a...
I don't remember this part for sure. Are you telling me that the jury didn't see the video of Arbery being in the house?
I've been in discussions regarding Arbery before. I'm just surprised to hear that there are people who don't realize he was videoed inside of the...
Did you people keep up with the story at all? He went inside of the construction and stayed there for several minutes until he was discovered....
Unless they are a threat to me? You mean like someone charging at me trying to take my gun? That kind of threat?
I said earlier that they should have just called the cops.
When you say "apparently there were thefts from construction sites in the neighborhood", it certainly is relevant. Arbery was acting in a manner...
You do realize that he was chased out of one of those construction sites, right?
These people like Maddow on the right and left.....we let them have too much control over our lives. They say crap solely for the purpose of...
Hopefully, this will convince the democrats to move closer to the middle and not let themselves be defined by the 'looney left'.
If they intended to kill him, why didn't they just do it? They had plenty of opportunity. Why did they wait until he physically attacked? Let's...
I don't blame you for wanting to leave that part out. Nor the part where he attacked the guy with the gun that ended up killing him.
Don't forget looting. Those jurors knew what would happen if they failed to convict.
And Arbery could still be 'jogging' thru people's houses.
What do you think would have happened if the jury hadn't convicted?
He jogged right out of that house he was snooping in. Hey, the three guy were idiots to grab their guns and give chase. Cop wannabes. They...
I can see looking into that. There was no way that guy was getting a fair trial. The pressure on the jury to convict was intense. Same with the...
How can any democrat defend that display last night? Their party has hit rock bottom.
Mexican is not a race.
The politicians on the right shouldn't have publicized how the policies from the politicians on the left led to the young ladies death? You...