He plays in the AAC, with Florida talent He's doing exactly what he should. USF and UCF should win 10+ every year
The people who want Frost are the same people who want the Gators coach to be a saint The same people who brought you the likes of Zook,...
Shut your mouth peasant You will learn to respect Chip Kelly
Finebaum is 3 days behind
With all the trolling he's doing, something has to be done right? He couldn't possibly be this recklessly arrogant with the fate of Florida...
I'm following 4 forums, and twitter you'd be surpised at how good this thread has been. Its annoying to filter through people making baseless...
Better hope Mac's lawyer doesn't see this post or you'll be paying his buyout big guy
It's really not funny anymore can the 50-60 year old men on this forum drop the Dad humor for a couple of days? None of this is original/funny or...
You guys do realize Chip Kelly doesn't own Nike right?
If this ends up being nothing, that we got trolled, and Chip doesn't come I may never get over it Chip Kelly being here has been a dream of mine...
Add back Calloway/Scarlet Bring in Corrall A: Scarlet/Davis/Perine Y:Lewis/Stephens/Pitts X:Cleveland/Robinson Z:Calloway/Swain B:Toney/Massey...
Maybe on a option, which yes that's how that play is ran. The option is one facet and gadget of an offense that has tons of run concepts. QB...
Franks cant execute a zone read, concept will be completely foreign to him. Riding that ball fake which sets up Chip's scheme and tricks, is...
Corrall is a better fit than Fields for this scheme JMHO Chip doesn't do a ton of designed QB runs, this isn't Dan Mullens offense. His QB needs...
He fits great into this offense. Corrall has the ability to run the zone read and I've seen him do it at a really high level. A lot times people...
That spread offense phrase you used not sure you understand what it means A spread offense is the idea of making the defense cover the entire...
Some of you guys need to understand what his scheme is, I think its lost on a lot of folks
You don't know much about Chips scheme do you? Time to hop on YouTube and learn big guy
Lets RIIIIIIIDE We are back boyyyyys
Felipe going to transfer Matt Corral will start day 1, he's a perfect fit for this offense. He can run the zone read, and has ball handling...