Weren’t the javelins instrumental early on? Sounds like perhaps a little too effective.
I agree that #2,3,4 etc don’t matter much as all should get you a #1 seed unless the committee shakes seedlings up slightly. But I’d say getting...
Louisiana wants NY to extradite for something that is not even a crime in NY, and the doctor never set foot in LA.
The argument doesn’t even make sense me. In this article UF gets praised as one of the the few able to come in under 60%. So how does anyone work...
You posted a meme.
This is true, the technology has come so far we should really just have AI handle the nuclear arsenal. Absolutely nothing could go wrong. [IMG]
Mike White never reached the level with me he needed to be fired, but I was not upset that he went to our rival either. I always made the comment...
Yup. He could have easily “sold high” after his tourney run last year as some team could have promised him starting role. Don’t think anyone...
I think “good shooter” sells it short - Bonner was an exceptional shooter by the end of his career, 47% from 3 his last season here and 40%+ his...
Trumps only interest in the vaccines was to be able to take credit. That’s it. When their cult-idol was denied this public health savior status,...
It’s ok. They were all redundant.
All those people did vote for that. They are just too stupid to realize it.
Well the bird flu is most likely an example of… wait for it… wait for it… transitory inflation!! [IMG] Just as it was in ‘22. Know what...
Well at least they backed off tariffs w/Mexico and Canada, otherwise the fruits and veggies bar would be right with the surging meat/poultry/ eggs...
I don’t think there’s any doubt the applications are indeed done on paper, since that’s what they have been talking about “fixing” for a long...
So why is Musk focusing on the records, rather than the process to fill out more efficiently? Either way, the final permanent record ends up in...
Sorry to burst your bubble. Jobs numbers aren’t just govt numbers, ADP separate provides private payroll data. So if govt numbers were out of...
Guy makes no sense. He railed against Obama for years about “destroying our military”, when all the sequester did was hold it flat for a few...
Iron Mountain sounded familiar to me. Apparently they handle documents for 95% of the fortune 1000, so I guess just about anyone who ever worked...