Oh, well just like COVID I guess you should let all those clueless mega farms and know-nothing USDA folks stop everything and defer to you...
Hey, if you want to believe the party doing everything they can to undermine access to health care (including mental health care) and that...
Or maybe the admin that would put kids in cages as a deterrent and wants to use el Salvadoran prisons are actually spinning “prison camps” into...
The problem is all this costs $$$. Boatloads of $$$. Does anyone think Republicans are going to be for some massive section 8 type housing with...
How about a guy with long history of drug abuse and claims a worm ate his brain? Not sure if “camp material” or should be put in charge of the...
They won’t fund mental health treatment for any uninsured person. They’ll need a much cheaper final solution.
I did Nazi that coming.
Probably. So assuming this happens through churches getting some govt funding, govt edict should demand churches “show me your papers” before...
The anti-vaxxer admin who would fire the entire public health apparatus, now desperately leaning on “the best of govt scientists” to come up with...
This is happening everywhere. Kind of funny as I would have opined lawyers would be an area AI could almost replace the profession, but if AI is...
It really is, when you look at Aberdeen’s progression and how strong Klavzar has looked we have a couple of guys that could easily be starters...
It came from Trump appointing his unqualified lackeys on the way out the door to various boards (Sean Spicer was hilariously appointed Kennedy...
What organization did this “journalist” work for??? According to a search he was described as a social media influencer/pick up artist known as...
That’s pretty wild. You’d think a huge law firm would have access to the official and secure legal case law databases, to ensure any AI tool...
With TP it was stupid irrational to hoard toilet paper because nothing changed the supply of toilet paper. The only thing causing the shortage was...
It would be more like blaming Robert D’Eniro for Hinkley, since that’s actually the character he tried to emulate to gain Foster’s attention....
The govt only “saves money” on outsourcing if the contract pays less than the total compensation of (in this case a Park Ranger). So assuming...
Well the old adage is if you want less of something, tax it. So yes, that pretty much is what will happen. Slightly less people will buy stuff...
Look at the bright side. At least they are only 10% tariffs instead of 35%. That could have really owned da libz with even higher taxes.
I’m thinking you should prepare to be highly outraged. It’s not just the idea of “realistic concessions”. Trump is back to pushing the complete...