Not "picky": Precise. Never apologize for it.
We have too many folks that just elsewhere accuse this staff of "bargain shopping" if they don't win every battle for the hearts/minds of 18-year...
As I noted above, I appreciated Chris' prose. It was eloquent sports prose, and we don't get much of that anymore, to your point about today's...
They get paid to do it, regardless of the time. If they don't, don't write for a living. Personally, I think it's a sign the reader is actually...
Great writing, Chris. Enjoyed how you crafted your prose.
The author is a favorite of mine.
But nothing we say - until the decision is finalized - has any effect on the process and, if we post rabidly angry GTFO kind of stuff it only...
Deleted my post. I was listening to broadcast feed not Gator radio.
This is a good reminder of why we should, until the current system changes, keep our mouths shut when players declare for the portal. Assume they...
Guess Pyburn took Sapp literally.
He feels under-appreciated by the staff, it would seem, based on his highly dramatic Taylor-Swift-esque IG screed that I saw. Surprised.
Hate the portal when it helps people like Jack.
Referring to injuries. And also the tissues in the camo band too - for crying about them. That's my interpretation, anyhow.
The Ace bandage on the Georgia steel pot. Epic.
Agree with latter sentiment. I am frequently baffled by the idea that "SEC Pride" creates some implicit obligation to pull for the conference....
I'm an incurable optimist. I see Napier as learning and growing as a Big-Time-College-Football coach. I am glad our admin has not been as...
"Make 'em want to be somewhere else." THAT is a memorable quote.
HK went out..but she took a lot of 'em with her. Also, good use of mil jargon. They had me at "actual".
I'm with Antny1: My amphibious brother-in-arms is a curmudgeon, at times, is a "prove it", at times but also is reasonable to concede when...
This is a great discussion. Lots of good points made all around and little thin-skinnedness. BZ, folks. We can’t make the whole world better but...