This play-by-play guy is pretty good. With him and Tori this is a very entertaining broadcast that puts many I have heard to shame.
Kendra singles. Ava holds at third. Kendra still goes to second on a perfect throw to cut off. Taylor singles up the middle and drives in two.
Ava walks and steals second. I'm not lying. Rylee hits a rope to center and caught. two outs.
We have two runs in the third and one out. Kenleigh struck out. Pitching change.
Mia with a bomb to center. I'm not sure who is hitting it farther into the next county.
Reagan with a bomb about in the same spot just to right of dead center. Not quite as far as Taylor's but in both the center fielder just turned...
Kara with a walk and a strike out to end the bottom of 2. Tori is simply a dream to hear. She is very good.
Kara with a ground out and a strike out for two outs in bottom of 2.
Nothing for us in the second. Rylee HBP, Kendra infield single, Taylor FC with Kendra out at second. Korbe FC with Rylee out at home. Jocey fouled...
Kara got three straight ground outs and only threw a couple balls. Her best inning so far.
But I don't want it.
Oh. She is all SEC. Knows the game top to bottom. She is doing a great job.
Extremely nice inning for Kara. Solid.
I don't know who this color commentator is on tv but she knows a heck of a lot about UF and is making intelligent comments. She either knows us or...
Take it Sandy. I'm out.
Korbe fouled out. Jocey lined a rope to the left center wall but hit so hard only a single. Reagan walked.
So much for a slump.
Kendra lines out. Taylor goes yard, again.
TV is back on.
And ESPN+ is showing technical difficulties so we don't have tv or radio at this point.