Come on Crusher - did Zook inherit a dumpster fire from SOS? Of course not.
It’ll shine when it shines It’ll shine when it shines And you might think I’m wastin’ time But I’m just a good ole boy that’s learned to wait —...
The boy is just trolling again. And he just revealed total ignorance regarding Florida. As usual he digs his own hole
I’m sure that would make you feel better Endless, but it would be foolish and destructive to shitcan the entire coaching staff over play calling....
I see our too hot child is back trying to get attention again
Well stated. And logical at this point. He now has the team he needs to get it done. As he truly believes in himself as a play-caller, it’s...
And as Billy has alluded to, so far he’s eluded getting fired.
Yeah particularly odd for Tejas considering there seems to be no limit to how much NIL they can throw at players. Like is anybody really going to...
Beyond stupid
You’ve never been .adfed apparently
Or futbol?
meh :D
Thanks Donzo
Grab a root and growl
You scared the hell out of me
I can’t say his last name and keep a straight face. OK, call me juvenile
So were John Reaves and Carlos Alvarez (and other “Super Sophs”)
It was