That bastard Childress reffed a bowl game that same year. The league didn’t do shit about it. That game jaded me forever on crooked officiating.
“whinning”? Sounds like something a horse would do
We certainly do on one side — opposite side from the Gulf of America
You get bad calls and each ump seems to have their own little differences in how they call it, but I’d hate to see that happen to the game.
Sometimes I can’t stop looking
Why all the hostility? All because I asked you a question and then explained why I asked? I even thanked you for clearing up a little confusion....
More confused than “excited” — any logical person who would be “thrilled” with 9 wins in 2025 would also be thrilled with 8 wins in 2024 — but...
but the 15s damn sure don’t look like the 22s
Than seeing if our team could complete a 4-game win streak to salvage a respectable and totally unexpected 8-5 season — and salvage a solid...
What @gtr2x ? Don’t have an answer to my question?
It’s gonna come down to whether or not he can develop in that area
Then you must have been thrilled to get to 8 wins last season right?
Surprising you single out @gatorlips here — he doesn’t come across to me as negative at all. 244 and Okeechobee on the other hand…..
You left out one
Yeah for a prick he isn’t too bad
What’s Disney got to do with it?
If you can find one. There are a few out there a lot worse than we are
Nah, as you said a few posts up, just being the prick that you are