I don't block people however there are a couple of MODs I wish I could block.
I love that we finally have a POTUS that can work on more than one thing at a time.
Is your computer to the right or left of that file cabinet? I'm sure you keep that near by when you are posting.
The master of misleading post titles strikes again.
It wasn't joey it was his puppet masters. Joey stayed in bed till noon then got up and ate lunch before going back to bed until someone wrote his...
Intelligent people?
Where are the conspiracy theorists? Posts #1,2,4,&5.
Sounds to me like Trump is starting to touch the Untouchables with his blindside tactics. They are in panic mode.
Wired.....LOL the news source of the well informed.
You do understand that 7 of those 8 drops were during the peak of the fake covid scare of 2020 don't you? We were all wearing masks and in hiding...
Where were you on 9/13/22 when the dow droped 1200 points? How about 5/18/22, 12/18/24, 5/5/22, 8/5/24 and on and on? Or are you only concerned on...
My point is how stupid it is to start one of these threads every time the market is up or down a couple hundred points. Whether or not Trump did...
You post these all the time and your buddies join in on the Trump bashing but the market always recovers. The Dow is an up and down thing and just...
I have a feeling the Country is about to find out just how much $ the Feds have been stealing from tax payers.