I'm only halfway there. I have dementia and take naps but I'm usually up till after midnight and have no interest in little girls hair.
I'm all for putting a woman and a person of color on the moon......Can we leave Kamala there?
Trump just keeps winning.
Trump ain't fooling around, he is owning everybody.
I use an igloo style mug with a plastic straw. I probably use the same straw a couple of months before replacing it. I don't think I am destroying...
Keep up the good work Mr President.
FEMA is a joke. Back before I retired I had to have FEMA certification in order to get paid FEMA funds during a disaster. A computer glitch at the...
Not to worry Bruce Willis is on top of it.
Yeah my bout with COVID was a bit strange. I possibly caught it in the hospital or something even stranger. In the summer of 2023 I spent 5 days...
Note to the vaxxers, I got all the COVID vaccines and boosters and still spent 3 days in the hospital with COVID. So much for your "miracles of...
I could care less. the last NFL game I watched Tebow was playing in
Samuel Colt didn't invent the 6 shooter until 1836 so I guess my navy colt is illegal?
Considering the US population increases almost 2 million per year it seems to me 307k new jobs in 3 months would be expected?
Yet you supported the guy who made these statements along with many more? "you cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight...