No if about it. Now tell us how you feel about the Biden family.
The whole Russia Russia Russia thing was set up by the democrats dealings with Christopher Steele's fake dossier. Does it make you feel good to...
Don't bring up that shit, they don't care.
Wouldn't it be easier just to arrange more water main breakages at 3AM on election night?
LOL Yeah honesty is not the best policy. Typical democrat behavior do anything you can to gain power.
Somebody needs to quit getting their news from MSN, I think you would sleep better at night without the fear they are filling you with.
Those would be the criminals Joe and the democrats welcomed with open arms.
Do you have that message saved and repost it every time you are lost with nothing to say of value? Seems that way.
I'd like to welcome our lib friends to Mega MAGA Month chapter 2 starting tomorrow morning.
LMAO I heard the news a half hour ago but held off till now because I wanted to see the meltdown here when I signed on. LOL exactly what I expected.
I disagree, we all including yourself know the "pee tape" was just a silly stunt to kick off the Russian collusion fabrication of 2016. The idiots...
Trump is a negotiator, when you are involved in negotiations you don't call the person you are negotiating with names. You do your best to praise...
The liberals can move to Uranus where their ancestors came from.
As soon as Musk gets us to Mars I'm moving there.
30 Days in and guess what? Trump's getting it done.
I was at UF when Skylab fell, I walked around campus with a hardhat and an umbrella looking up and saying Skylab, Skylab the sky is falling. Got a...
I'd be perfectly willing to celebrate his birthday along with bringing back Washington's & Lincoln's. There are a couple of holidays I wouldn't...