Just reading what the lefts favorite fact checker Politico has to say about it, it sounds a little to me like the young lady might have been in...
Let's get the whole story before we condemn the man. If indeed there was violence there should be appropriate action....
I was posting on another thread and got the idea for this picture. [IMG]
I fully expect my fellow Musketeers to join it on this thread.. I have been waiting forever to use the term Musketeer. I've expected the liberals...
Typical THFSG bull shit thread. I can't stop laughing at you guys.
Oh my world these days is a lot like Sleepy Joes was the last 4 years. I sleep till noon, maybe an hour or two longer. Get up and eat lunch, a...
I consider the ones coming across illegally as enemies. It wouldn't break my heart if any Mexican authorities knowingly assisting them in...
That = being enemies?
Bull shit it took one post. You have been on too hot long enough to know that when Biden was POTUS the the common post #2 on THFSG was thank you...
Only considered enemies by the idiot lefties and their sheeple believing what they say.
Not really but looking for any excuse to make any story about trump is. The story itself I think should be subject not how can we blame this on...
LMAO Why don't you ask @ValdastaGatorFan ?
I was wondering how long it would take this to be spun into an anti Trump thread. Didn't take long did it?
LOL You call it the wisdom to surround himself with intelligent people and be willing to listen to them, I call it being a puppet.
Sounds like something the Bidens would do. Hooking up with your dead brothers wife, showering with your daughter and who knows what else.
I love the nastiness and name calling of the left on THFSG. It reminds me of how freaked out they are over losing the election.
Once again typical democrat, everything is about race.
I swear I never got on that plane.
You gotta respect Musk. He knows they are/will be coming after him just like they have Trump but he ain't backing down one bit. He is doing what...
Talk of "skin color" always makes me laugh. I used to eat lunch everyday with a black coworker. He would put his arm up next to my suntanned arm...