There is a recoverable amount of lithium in the salton sea. Using evaporation beds would clean up the mess that is the sea and potentially yield...
And people said here that he was a bum.
Don’t remember, I think it was Thanksgiving dinner and I always thought it started as a joke.
My guess is the peace will cost us quite a bit. Rebuilding Ukraine buying Russia’s nuclear arsenal to keep it from being sold in the third world.
Thought he went to Saban’s Xmas dinner?
Technically Blue Origin is scheduled to launch on the morning of the 17th.
My guess is it’s all about the clicks. Before he was a moderator he was just a (poster) who posted nonsense but it was easy to ignore. Now that he...
So approximately 8 hours after spacex launches its big rocket. I would put money that musk’s goes up and Bezos gets delayed.
Ignore the poster who is spamming this board with nonsense. Maybe a moderator can stop his flow of nonsense. lol
Every real first aid kit should have a couple. Nothing better to slowing bleeding with a puncture wound.
I think that all scheduled tv channels are going to have problems in the future. I suspect at least half of them will cease to exist as scheduled...
I am not against this. In fact I may have been in favor of it at one time but with telecommuting I wonder how efficient it would be now.
One of the reasons I tolerate Herbstreet is how supportive of corso he is. I think corso having a small part in the picks panel ongoing would be...
I agree but my point was Putin may not care what happens after he dies.
Hasn’t Russia’s foray into Ukraine shown us how conquering territory is expensive. The ROI is never going to be positive.
I know this is a joke but Putin is ridding his country of the young. They have either fled or been killed in the war. For Putin it means that the...
There is an old nascar quote. “If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.
WR at UF, never really produced. I think he was injured.
Bowl games as filler like the poker tournaments?
The bowls couldn’t survive that. Not sure they need to survive. I bet we are headed to 32 or even 64 teams. It’s all about the money.