How much longer are you going to be spewing the party line. Do you hate the democrats so much that you would cheer the burning down of America to...
So a literal lifetime term. lol
Well I am a rational anarchist.
What we need is voters who are smart enough not to make these lifetime positions.
It’s late 50s. It’s just the leadership that is ancient.
What is the average age of our representatives? My guess is it’s close to 75.
I think the realtor deserves everything that is crashing down on her, but I truly wonder what happened during her meal.
Shoot pay Trump 10 billion and we will remove all support to Asian nations.
Drill baby drill and export to Europe.
The war would stop if Russia retreated to their borders. I suspect if a ceasefire in place would be implemented it would change the fighting to...
So is there a cease fire in Ukraine? I must have missed that. If you still have firing gray cells, I suggest you use them.
Bush 2 had a nickname for Putin. There is a difference between liking and being a lapdog.
Then there were two posters who have been ignored. I do not ignore people for disagreeing with me I ignore them when they obviously are just...
Let us hope that there are fair and private midterm elections. Trumps favorite people usually when by astronomical margins.
Who is the enemy here in your mind? Zelensky? Putin? Trump? I know what rational people think.
Now this might be the best set up line of all time. Maybe you can find it under your bridge?
And magnet of snatch gets ignored. I made it two months but his logic gave me headaches.
He is running foreign policy like his buddy Kim Jung. He throws a tantrum, flirts with the enemy to get our allies to concede stuff. It works in...
How long until you admit that trumps actions are hurting America? He is not helping you. He is only helping billionaires. Go back under your bridge.
This seems like a step down job for him. He has been a P5 offensive coordinator.