RothRock vs. Maxwell
since ive been watching Florida softball we almost always eliminate alabama in the post season. the exception was in 2019.
*takes a deep breath* let’s go gators!
No matter what happens tomorrow I'm so damn proud of this team. This is just the beginning and I cant wait to see what the future holds for the...
LSU is getting a number Jayden heavener is coming in next season and she’s a top 5 recruit ( I believe #3) and was just named floridas max prep...
I never imaged Oklahoma State would not only go out 0-2 but score zero runs and only manage 5 hits in almost 2 games.
8-0 Stanford bottom 6th
stanford 4 OSU-0 mid 4th. Just wasn't Lexi night tonight and unfortunately it happened in an elimination game and possibly her last one as a...
Duke and Alabama tied 1-1 in an elimination game bottom 3rd.
Raelin chaffin Emma stood LSU Both are pitchers.
Madi balk from FSU
Should our gators win tomorrow our first game would be vs. Ok state.
walking the lead off batter hurt us in both games.
What’s going on with ok state and Arizona? Stats stopped top 5th. I’m not close to a tv so I can’t watch it
FINAL: Baylor 5, Florida 2 - Florida Gators I just got super pumped!! What Skylar said
I didn’t watch the game but did Kendra slap each of her at bats?
I hate to say this and it could bite me in the booty but I don’t like how this game is going. It just doesn’t feel like we are going to come back...
1,2,3 inning and get the top of the line up up and score more runs
I have no idea lol. but we still have plenty of game left. lets go gators
We are nervous. I can tell