By Israel, I believe he means the nation, as in the people, not the country, as in the geographic boundaries.
Agree that neither Egypt nor Jordan want these lands or the people back. That is why the world would have to appeal to their interest and make it...
The only sustainable solution is for Egypt to take back Gaza and all of the Egyptians who live there, and Jordan to take back parts of the West...
Glad to hear it. The text of the Treaty is pretty clear about whose responsibility it is to guarantee the neutrality of the Canal and what might...
We will see. It would be pretty hard to hide the lifting of sanctions.
Not sure where this is going, but Stalin and Mao absolutely started wars outside their own borders. To a lesser extent (because Cuba never was and...
I did not hear anything extremely revealing in those remarks. Ukraine cannot gain back its land by military means. Agreed. (The fact that Russia...
What are we talking about?
Asked and answered upthread.
I think the characterization of these volunteers as “mercenaries” (which is a pejorative term for a private contract security forces) is false and...
Some more information on the distinction between humanitarian aid (which is paused) and military aid (which continues) to Ukraine. From what I can...
I have always said that it didn't exist, so I'll stand on that.
Kind of outside of the scope of this thread, but I have no problem with a review to see if our foreign humanitarian aid is achieving its intended...
That is true. Also I’m not sure if we provide meaningful “humanitarian aid” to Ukraine as this order defines it. The deal we have struck with...
Jake Broe covers it pretty well. Essentially, direct military assistance is not in the same category as the foreign aid covered by the order....
That has been a truism of rebellion since rebellions were a thing: there is no mitigating circumstance or compelling legal argument … unless you win.
I’m pretty sure (I may need to refresh my history) that secession is unconstitutional, and we may have to settle the matter through force of arms.
That’s what he wants, sure. But then there’s the matter of the enemy he made and what they will settle for.
What other “path” is there? Our government has diplomatic, informational, military, and economic means at its disposal. To say Biden used those,...