Terrible call on strike 2, s/h been ball 4.
Didn't hear it, but my guess is he meant that due to the fence being closer right down the line.
^ well hit ball, just right at the LF.
Well she basically voted for who her husband told her to vote for. He passed and I don't believe she voted in 2020. 3 of her 4 kids are well...
Perfect pitch
^ no Donay? Hmm.
Yep, he can't give a speech or answer a question without trashing Biden or including Obama and the radical libs. It's like the campaign lies...
Thread reminds me of my MIL. She was in the US 40+ years, a dear lady that raised 4 great kids yet never really leaned English. Her broken...
Pretty much agree, sadly. As my wife says it's a waste of time debating politics these days. There's facts and there's "alternative facts".
Yea, but per trump those are "shit hole countries", right? So we don't care, amirite. :eek:
Yep and even if it saves the proverbial nickel it will have virtually no impact on the level of federal debt/deficit. Seems like a lot of theatre...
Well at least St Pete isn't called "God's waiting room " like the old days. I actually like downtown St Pete, go there often for eats and music...
Congrats. :rolleyes: Speaking of Immokalee, always recall when new TV folks come to Florida and call it "e mo ka le".
Rather ironic maga folks criticizing Zelensky's attire when maga is worshipping Elon musk and is fake macho look, his chainsaw and bringing his 4...
Only a dumbass would agree to a deal giving up his country's mineral rights while getting nothing in return. What I saw was a bully in action...
I've been fortunate enough to travel to Europe several times and often engage the locals re their opinion of the US (travel, tourists, etc) and...
Liking this Boser kid. Huge pickup from usf.
Nice recovery by Liam after the shaky start. In line for a W if the Gators hold the lead. Assume that was his last inning.
Great throw by Heyman. No damage.
Predictably Russian officials praising trump/Vance performance today.