If the jobs aren't needed or redundant, get rid of them. No issues. However, if they are needed and a benefit to society it's hard to believe...
Funny thing is that before kudlow was a trumpster, he was on CNBC every day praising free markets and ranting against tariffs and price controls...
That must assume no retaliatory tariffs to make sense. Good luck with that.
Maybe and if so probably outsourced at a higher cost since park workers aren't exactly getting rich.
Since its a red state, Im confident that there will be a "workaround" or "adjustment" for the Bama folks much like what happened with the trump...
I'm not familiar with "Dallas grass", but Musk seems more like a guy that found some crabgrass in his St Augustine lawn and decided to get rid of...
Interesting to see all the 100+ year old voters, especially since I keep seeing polls here saying that a majority of old folks are trump...
Id post more but I dont get paid enough to respond to lame threads like this one. :p
Yep, movin on up in the batting order for sure. As long as he stays off those breakers in the dirt he should be fine. (easier said than done of...
Guess I misstated. I read the article. Just don't buy the conclusion that Florida has the easiest schedule in the conference.
Don't know the methodology but I don't buy that Florida had the easiest sec schedule of 16 teams. It's not so much who you play as it is where...
Thought he got off to a slow start Sat but finished strong as noted. Hes gotten much better driving to the basket and was nailing that corner 3...
Yep, Gators very much a second half team this year which is a good thing. Credit to Golden. As for SC I'm wondering if they will ever get an sec...
Yep, love the aggression, but you better be safe at third with only 1 out.
Nice communication between RF and 2B to get the out. Not always the case early in the season.
Seems like a looong break at that.
Probably splitting hairs, but sounds like a minor league version of Menendez.
Sorry, I obviously gave you too much credit for logic. :rolleyes: My bad. Carry on with the Alternative Facts.