Did you laugh when it was awarded to a doctor shopping pill head?
I think I finally figured it out: To the right, free speech on social media means to allow foreign adversaries to interfere with our politics and...
It should be illegal to be that stupid.
Irony 101.
Screw the environment, it's our grandchildren's problem. Pedal to the metal and party on!
Refreshing, but not unexpected, to see Vice President Harris acting in a mature and responsible way.
"At least our incoming President will serve America's interests with his energy strategy rather than serving China's interest by hamstringing our...
@homer. This is correcting a wrong and took far too long. Enjoy the benefits that you earned and have always been entitled to. Thank you for...
Don't forget the muffler bearing grease. I'd spring for the synthetic.
Sign up on Valvoline's website. They run BOGOs fairly often. When they do, it's at the cheapest you'll find it.
All of the mistaken opinions of Joe McCarthy with none of the charm.
I believe you are referring to dilithium crystals, primarily found in the Neutral Zone.
To America's enemies. There is something seriously wrong with referring to the people who participated in a violent attack on the US Capitol as...
"The Salton Sea, California’s largest lake, has long been a subject of fascination and concern due to its environmental challenges. But a...
Except for one GLARING shortcoming, Trump could put Palin in charge of military intelligence.
Research Valvoline Restore and Protect. Excellent reviews and test results. I ordered some. [MEDIA]
Pure vindictiveness.
The banks are going to make up for that lost revenue somewhere. One place would be to start charging annual fees on every card. I do not carry...
The decision to allow someone to participate in a diversion program is not generally based on the strength of the state's case. That might be a...
I just researched the case at the Orange County Clerk's Office website. All of the cases against her have been formally dismissed. For that to...