None. If it was due to Trump they would have announced it on the day he takes office as an insult to Biden and to give Trump a +1 on his campaign...
LOL, you are relying on NewsMax for information of all things.
Go listen to the NCAA president's testimony and come back when you have some idea what you are posting about.
Did you hear his testimony as to how many athletes in all NCAA sports identify as transgender? Less than 10. Worry about something importan.
We're coming hard, Bill, and Linda Lovelace will be leading the charge.
I stole that from our main tag office. I was in renewing Gator tags on my cars and boat trailer and the woman asked if I wanted to switch to FSU...
We should start a death count for really bad threads.
They are being die. Big problem for the North Koreans is they only get to do it once.
I was at the tag office today getting a temp tag and didn't have an appointment. They have TV screens displaying the numbers being served and...
They must have interviewed people wearing MAGA hats outside a Trump rally. Educated people know better and history will prove it.
LOL. NOPE, try again.
You mean before he went batshit crazy. And the libs are taking everything you say to heart and are trying to adjust their thinking accordingly....
"Barefoot and pregnant" is alive and well
Nope. You obviously didn't read the document the judge released earlier in the week. Just kind of shooting from the hip, there?
My post from another thread.: That is likely not the law. That concept is sourced from a 1915 SCOTUS opinion, Burdict v. U.S. The language...
I love it when these posters get so cranked up about this. According to the NCAA there are well less than 10 athletes competing in all NCAA...
Only one "judge" has ever ruled Smith and other special prosecutors before him weren't. One.
You will be sentenced to jail before Jack Smith ever is.