Luke showing off now.
Note to Brody—you do better hitting off of your back foot, no more front foot-butt up in the air hacks please!
Luke turns and burns!
Atta boy Ty! Big time RBI!!!
Barberi is pretty loose tonight.
Sliders in the dirt in the LHH box and high FBs out of the zone. More correctly, pull mode swings on sliders don’t cut it. We gotta be better.
Going to have to really monitor Barlow now. A lick like that to his throwing shoulder while at full speed can knot up in a hurry. I don’t know if...
Turn the page.
I believe he had innings against them his frosh year at Clemson-it’s a good thing he’s already versed.
Atta boy Luke!
Their stands are newer from when I was there in ‘73-‘74 but it’s the same field.
Yours or theirs—injuries suck!
Agreed, but I was talking about that short fence.
Big zero for our Gators D.
There is no such thing as a can’o’corn to RF in this park.
An overturned call in Knoxville in favor of the hounds without a review—imagine that…2-1 Vols ballgame mid 4th
That’s always what I thought too Lurk!
With the ballgame on tonight Ms. Jan is making her homemade chicken pot pie. Sour dough buttered & toasted bread on the side. Ice cold longnecks...
FSU Lineup SP—Earl Chrest—NEVER heard of him….