Maxwell is not fooling anybody, as they like to say.
Every at-bat against these guys is a marathon.
All right, I've got a nice salad, a chocolate chip cookie and a can of orange soda. Let's do this thing.
I suppose they could play the WCWS in Florida. No weather delays here in the spring and summer.
Whatever happens today, you can't accuse these guys of phoning it in for an early vacation. I appreciate the effort and want-to this weekend.
Right, so all we have to do is win two straight elimination games against the most dominant dynasty in modern college softball. Tell you what, we...
This is not the most helpful sentiment, but my kingdom for one more year of eligibility for Pullin. That would really round this squad out perfectly.
There are a million variables that contribute to the outcome of a baseball season, whether that outcome is positive or negative, and so, no, I...
In 2018, we made it to Omaha and had a team ERA of 3.46 -- that was the last year for Singer, Kowar and Byrne. Since then: 2019: 5.37 team ERA...
TLDR: too long, didn't read.
Have to be honest, I wasn't terribly optimistic about this season, what with the relatively disappointing performance last year and some of the...
Badger dam well better choose Florida.
If Watson tripped and fell on McClain then McClain might literally die.
Announcing his commitment two days after the UF visit feels like a good sign, but I’ve been very wrong on these things before.
I was never overly worked up about the initial nonsense around McClain's commitment to Miami. And while his experience at Colorado certainly isn't...
Richard had some...unpleasant fans, but we shouldn't hold that against DJ.
Zandamela's an interior guy, right?
It's always been a game run by lawyers. The only difference now is that the players get to have them too.
He's drunk and has 1.5 vision.
I'm oddly interested in the question of just how old/decrepit an NBA star would have to be before they'd no longer be dominant at the college...