Taken from page 5 of the TRUMP MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORP. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE GUIDELINE Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion The Board is...
Please don't tell me you think the military is really going to make a difference in the flow of fentanyl. Where there's demand someone will supply
In what world is a senator with ranking positions on subcommittees the equivalent of a house member without those same rankings?
We're still waiting for the person that made the accusation to prove to us that they are receiving money
Egg prices our animal time high in our expected to increase by at least another 40%. Coffee prices are on the rise as well. So much winning from...
I do believe in the rasmussen polls that show that Trump's popularity is declining
Will this happen before or after the release of all of the Epstein files?
Would you expect him to say anything different after not standing up for himself when he was called Little Marco? A picture says a thousand words
Yes they can probably be found wearing a diaper over their ear
I have to give it to right wingers. They protect right wing groomers at all costs
Who let this guy into the room? Look at the embarrassment on Rubio's face [MEDIA]
Wrong! Everyone knows it's yellow
The best investors aren't buying crap right now
I guarantee that NIH funding was involved. Too bad future studies like this will be impacted
No it's the same as cutting the draft class if your last 2 years. This includes first, second and third rounders
WASHINGTON — Republicans are considering a far-reaching change to the budget process that would obscure the deficit impact of extending President...
They are cutting all of the probationary workers so the practice squad analogy doesn't work
I don't recall the article talking about a bubble. Did I miss it?
Did you laugh when Desantis attempted the same thing regarding Florida pension plans and Bud Light? How about their attack on Target related to...
Ok Donald Rumsfeld