Good Lord. Get help.
Send me his digits. I'd like to text him a thing or two. :devil:
The Hall of Victory USF...................wingtee, exiled (11) Jacksonville........exiled (7) Grambling..........SmootyGator, jcmiller910 (4) at...
jcmiller910.............21.5 exiledgator.............19.5 Singaporegator.......17.0 beechgator........,....17.0 BTEGator...............16.5...
Richard was the top performer (not referred to as MVG when the Gators lose). SoG was under, as Urban had a single 3pt. Lotta subpar performances...
Lotta crappy picks y'all (sorry, not sorry). This was closest:
Here's what I have to say to wingtee's pick . . . [IMG]
Excellent pick?! [img]
Got it down to 10 w plenty of time left. Let’s steal their cheese!
Bench him! (Oh wait)
Just checking in. Game going ok?
Line will be 7.5 for tonight’s contest.
My VPS had Haugh earning MVG, but I like Ruben here too. I've made a note of your value scoring system, @GatorJason and will consider using it in...
Could probably lighten up a bit. The topic of conversation was paying taxes. You divulged that your daughter was likely engaging in tax evasion...
After crushing the corndogs, The 11-3 Gators travel to Athens to take on the 4-10 Inbounds Play Specialists. Will GA be a trap game, or will the...
I keep expecting tough games and close outcomes and there have been some. The win at SC; the loss to Mizzou. Most games, however, have some...
The Gators are now guaranteed single-digit losses. First time we've seen that since the Cheeze buzzer beater team that made the Elite 8.
With four games remaining: jcmiller910.............21.5 exiledgator.............18.5 Singaporegator.......17.0 beechgator............16.5...