Dolph Camilli, Billy Herman, Pee Wee Reese and Arky Vaughan during Spring Training 1941 or 42 in Havana, Cuba. [IMG]
2017 "Major League Baseball’s greatest responsibility is to ensure that today’s youth become active participants in our game as players and...
2014 BARRY BONDS returns to the Giants as a special spring training instructor for the young Giants' hitters, a role the organization believes...
FROM MLB's This Day in Baseball History+ 1897 The Cleveland Spiders sign Penobscot Indian Louis Sockalexis. Although the former Holy Cross...
3/9 BASEBALL BIRTHDAYS 1893 Billy Southworth HOF manager (World Series 1942, 44 St. Louis Cardinals; Boston Braves) and outfielder (World Series...
Today In 1939: New York #Yankees outfielder Joe DiMaggio makes a running catch during #SpringTraining in Florida! [IMG]
Willie Mays Stationed at Ft Eustis, Va 1953 [IMG]
1966 In a pregame ceremony before an intrasquad contest in St. Petersburg in a pregame ceremony, the Mets announce the election of their former...
1923 Commissioner Landis allows pitcher Rube Benton to return to the major leagues despite the left-hander admitting to having prior knowledge...
This Day in Baseball History March 8th 1900 The National League decides to downsize to eight teams for the upcoming season by eliminating the...
3/8/25 BASEBALL BIRTHDAYS 1922 Carl Furillo outfielder (NL Batting Champ 1953; MLB All-Star 1952, 53; World Series 1955, 59; Brooklyn/LA Dodgers),...
Willie Stargell windmills his bat before blasting a three-run HR in the top of the 11th to give the Pittsburgh #Pirates a 5-2 lead over the...
Cecil and Prince Fielder [IMG]