You know those double-digit IQ turds were Dawgs!!!!
"The jogger who attacked them" Everything you need to know right there . . . all while simping for those three redneck, Bulldog turds. Just...
Nah. He's just pandering for $$$$. And, of course, the idiots lap it up. Man do these MAGA folks love them some woke!
Nah. They'll be just like you are now, following their idiot (and in this case leftist) leader. Have fun with that!
Given the kind of people and development that's been moving in here the last 10 years or so, I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately, the people...
Pithy as ever. I'm sure you really impress yourself.
Duly noted. Never stop being you Richard!
They had the presence of mind to walk the other way when the GC went off like a popcorn popper. Again, if you want to be a dick then be a dick. It...
What are you arguing about! Just watch it or don't. It's interesting and first-hand accounts you can view with your own two eyes. Or just live in...
But there are still hot spots. Here. Enjoy. I watched this a couple years ago and it's pretty fascinating. They have Geiger counters. You be the...
Think Palestine/Israel. You can put whatever judgement you want on it, but the last 3 years has sealed a kind of hatred that will take generations...
You can (or could) find videos of people going in there and there are major hot spots still there.
It's it also disrespectful to use the American flag as a pocket square? Your literally putting it in your pocket and covering up 3/4 or more of it.
Strap on for at least a century of that. Kind of like Crimea and Ukraine. Do you really want that headache?
No shit. It's my belief that Peter Pan is basically non-fiction compared to The Terminator/The Matrix. Yeah, sure, they'll take over the world. ....
Those bomb are, individually, something like 50x Hiroshima. I'm assuming they leave more bad stuff behind, have higher concentrations of...
There's no way. This has to be a spoof. Enola Gay? Really??? I don't even think MAGA is this stupid, right?
I'm guessing the issue here would be scale. I.E. Two tiny bombs vs. hundreds if not thousands of hydrogen bombs.
Don't forget the rim shot!
Apparently his biggest crush given how obsessed he is with her.